The IGP team has compiled the following list of articles to support you and your department in this work. Please let us know if you have any additional resources to share, or if there are additional areas of literature you would like us to explore.

General Piece in Physics Magazine

Wright, K. (2023). See No Bias, Hear No Bias, Speak for No Change. Physics, 16(33).

Comprehensive Literature Review

Sachmpazidi, D. (in press). Research on equity in physics graduate education. In Eds. M.F. Tasar and P.R.L. Heron, The International Handbook of Physics Education Research: Special Topics. AIP Publishing.

Additional Reading

Barthelemy, R. S., Swirtz, M., Garmon, S., Simmons, E. H., Reeves, K., Falk, M. L., … & Atherton, T. J. (2022). LGBT+ physicists: Harassment, persistence, and uneven support. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 18(1), 010124.

Cochran, G. L., Hodapp, T., & Brown, E. E. (2018, March). Identifying barriers to ethnic/racial minority students’ participation in graduate physics. Physics Education Research Conference.

Dancy, M., Hodari, A.K. (2023).How well-intentioned white male physicists maintain ignorance of inequity and justify inaction. International Journal of STEM Education, 10(45).

Johnson, A., Ong, M., Ko, L. T., Smith, J., & Hodari, A. (2017). Common challenges faced by women of color in physics, and actions faculty can take to minimize those challenges. The Physics Teacher, 55(6), 356-360.

Potvin, G., Chari, D., & Hodapp, T. (2017). Investigating approaches to diversity in a national survey of physics doctoral degree programs: The graduate admissions landscape. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 13(2), 020142.

Scherr, R. E., Plisch, M., Gray, K. E., Potvin, G., & Hodapp, T. (2017). Fixed and growth mindsets in physics graduate admissions. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 13(2), 020133.