Bennett Goldberg, PhD

Principal Investigator

Professor of Physics and Astronomy; Faculty Director of the Program Evaluation Core

Northwestern University

Dr. B. B. Goldberg (he/him) is a Professor of Physics and Astronomy, the former recent Director of the Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching and Assistant Provost for Learning and Teaching, Northwestern University. Goldberg is PI of the Inclusive Graduate Programs: An AGEP Pilot in Physics, and was co-PI of 2020 AGEP National Research conference, where he and colleagues worked across STEM departments in cycles of improvement, and where they studied the alignment of theories of change, with the locus, foci, and targets of change. Goldberg is one of the collaborative PIs of the Inclusive STEM Teaching Project. His work is in inclusive teaching, institutional change and in supporting access to and success in higher education, graduate education, and academic pathways for excluded groups.