Evangeline Su, PhD

Staff Researcher

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Dr. Evangeline Su (she/her) is currently on the staff at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. From 2019 to present, Evangeline has facilitated W.K.Kellogg Foundation Truth Racial Healing Transformation racial healing groups, Inclusive Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Teaching Project (ISTP) affinity groups and learning groups and Asian American Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) staff affinity groups for an ERG. Evangeline previously held positions at Northwestern University working with student-athletes and undergraduates who are novices to research, teaching chemistry, entering research, and entering mentoring courses/workshops, facilitating discussions for STEM Circuits, advising the Association for Undergraduate Women in STEM, facilitating sessions on bystander intervention, while helping students to understand and unpack the hidden curriculum of how to navigate R1 universities. Her other projects include: WCER SEER Institute working on equitable organizational change, NSF Eddie Bernice Johnson INCLUDES Aspire Alliance (with APLU) and Supplement, NSF LEAPS EVOLVED (PI: Robin Kodner, Western Washington University) focused on change in aquatic science professional societies (website coming soon), as well as work with both Truth Racial Healing Transformation Greater Chicago and Participatory Budgeting Evanston.